It took a wine induce tarot card
reading to say yes. The cards told that I need to allow myself to go down the
path I was meant to follow in order to find happiness. So I said yes. I booked
the flight. I mentioned it to a couple of confidantes who wholeheartedly supported
the idea. After a delayed flight and a newly purchased flight (a grand gesture, which I was assured happens all the time Like, in the movies), I arrived at my destination
bright eyed, bushy tailed and ever so curious to where I was headed.
He wooed the pants off of me.
For three days we drove all over
the Okanagan. We selected only the best named wineries: Dirty Laundry, Serendipity
and The Hugging Tree.
No stop was without a memory, and every cafe and saloon created a story. From new places like the Lavender Shop
to old coffee shops and home town saloons, nothing was left untouched. We ate whatever we
wanted and we visited whoever we wanted.
I’ve booked another flight for
September Long Weekend (which I paid for) and I can only imagine what date number three is going to
look like.
She Persisted when I resisted. And thank God for that. Because the number of storms I needed to go through before I appreciated the way the wind whipped through her hair was one too many. Now I'd move mountains to make her mine. Rain or Shine - J. Raymond