I’m sipping on glorious coffee. Coffee that I didn’t have
for the last two weeks because I was a 5am Zombie seeking refuge in a coffee
bean grinder, but rather than getting some caffeine into these veins I
was left picking up pieces of my French Press
that I somehow knocked off the counter which shattered into no less than a
zillion pieces. 5:00AM is my new wake up time now that I am carless until I fly
back to Alberta to find me a new car for the remainder of my contract as
Josie’s clutch blew and her transmission no longer talks – it died fifteen
minutes from home one evening two weeks ago. But wait, this is a Good News
Story because I’m sipping on glorious coffee.

When I mentioned to a work friend that I’m headed into town
to get a new French Press, and explained the mishap, in no less than ten
minuets I had French Press, identical to my broken one, in my hot little paws.
Hello Lover! She had a second one at work and said I could borrow it until I
moved. Did I mention how I had planned on getting to the store (I live twenty
in the bush) that day, or how I’ve been getting to work?! My lovely friend was
headed in that direction and invited me along, as she knew I was stranded in my
Tiny Home until the foreseeable future. In fact, she’s been car pooling me to
work and back each day. I’ve also had another close work friend (who is kind of
a big deal – Corporate Accountant) drive me home, as well as my freakin’ boss.
His boss has been getting updates on my car situation, as he explains “I don’t
have any daughters, only sons, so I worry about you galls”.
My mom’s been ever searching for a vehicle for me so when I
fly back to Calgary in a few weeks, all I need to do is register and insure it.
I’m also very much happy about this serendipitous flight, as I haven’t really
been back in Calgary since I move up North, and so I’ll have food-truck
adventures and Italian Market dates to attend to with close friends and a mum
and sister to visit! Josie currently resides at the Kal Tire parking lot, where
they said it could stay until I move it, and it was another close friend who
drove me home on the night of the breakdown – a little soggy after a shower at
10:30 in the evening as she was preparing to turn in. I’ve had various people
offer to lend me their vehicles, some of whom I was very much shocked at such a
grand gesture.

I couldn’t be more appreciative for such kindness. I promise
that all of these generous offers and deeds will not go unnoticed and will
absolutely be paid forward. These last few weeks have really made me realise now
grateful I am for My People.
Ultimately, at the end of the day and when given the
opportunity, most people want to do good in the world. I don’t think it’s
because they’re expecting something in return, or that the underlying reason
was simply in case the same situation rises in reverse, I really think it has
to do with just being nice and having good souls. I don’t think we are
genetically coded to be shitty humans or that it all comes down to survival of
the fittest. I think it has to do with humans being social creatures; it takes
a village to raise a child and as Jack Johnson explains, we’re better together.
Most Kindly,
And I figure, maybe just believing in goodness generates as
tiny bit of the stuff, so that being so foolish as to believe in our better
natures, if just for a day, we actually contribute to the sum total generosity
in the university. - Julie Powell, Julie & Julia