I’ve had those five o’clock highs. Those days where I get
off work feeling fabulous, because I’ve rocked my work week; managers and
supervisors were in silly moods, an employee said thank-you to for the extra
work I did. Everything went so smoothly. I walk out of that office thinking,
damn, I was made for this job, and I love my life.

I am not just an Office Girl. My career choice is not my
identity. I’m an independent women and who enjoys yoga. I am a vegetarian who hikes.
I’m a feminist, damnit! I am a runner. I am a wine connoisseur. To the point: I
am a running wino. I love thrift-store jungles, Cheesies and country music. And
I live to travel. So, when did the success of my job start determining my self-worth?
I've had this conversation with friends time and time again over coffee, wine, giggles and tears. Is this what adulting is because I would much rather care less and not give a shit about my job. And honestly, what's the worst that can happen at work, it's not like I can make a mistake and kill someone like most of my nurse friends.
I've had this conversation with friends time and time again over coffee, wine, giggles and tears. Is this what adulting is because I would much rather care less and not give a shit about my job. And honestly, what's the worst that can happen at work, it's not like I can make a mistake and kill someone like most of my nurse friends.

And yet still my face become visibly flushed, heart
palpitations occur and I’m flustered and panic when something happens at
work that shouldn’t regardless of the severity of it. I have been That girl who
cries at work (nobody wants to be That girl). So, how do I find that work-life balance and stop letting work impact my real life?
Let’s just be clear I work to live, so how do I keep my life on those bad
I do yoga to relieve stress. Just kidding, I drink wine in yoga pants.
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