I inhale with shock; The Hunters’ BFF throws down a slab meat on the cutting
board. From my fingers to elbow, it’s longer than that and twice the width of
my lower arm. The Moose has been hanging in quarters in their cooler for just
over a week now. The Hunter, well, he hunted it. I offered to help because I
wanted to help. I listen attentively and with thankfulness as the Hunter’s BFF rightfully
puts me back in my place when I say something sassy, “You must learn before you
can do” he gruffly responds. From a guy who I’ve watched throw up last night’s
sushi off the chairlift for ten towers, these are wise words in stern tones
that I’m not used to.
I love to cook. I love to cook almost as much I love to eat. I
know I don’t necessary look it – don’t ever trust a skinny chef is notable quote. But, I just love the end result of a good appetizer or the beauty of a
lavishing dessert. There’s nothing I’d rather do more than get tipsy while
standing over a cutting board with wine in one hand and confidence in the other,
as I’m chopping this spines of celery and dropping them into a simmering pot for
a stew of a sort. There’s something so therapeutic
about spending my Sunday morning making banana chocolate chip muffins and
prepping a lunch meal or two for the week to come. I’m a hot mess with ninety
percent of my life, but bring it, Monday; I’ve got lentils ready for ya!
It’s killing the feminist in me about how good I am
keeping house. But it’s come to good use the last few months. The Hunter has
been in a never ending battle with my new-to-me Volkswagen. I hadn’t ev
en driven
it over 100KM’s when the dash lit up like a Christmas tree. He’s confident the
codes were deleted at the time of the sale, and the duo who sold me Betsy knew
about at least some of the issues - oh her grocery list is long. Karma has balanced
it out as the Mill they’re at is shutting down a production line, which means
at least half of the employees are about to be laid off. I’m confident that
with the seniority of these two young bucks at least one of them will be left
without a job. So, while the Hunter has spent countless hours and some pretty
thought up swearwords makin’ Betsy run, I’ve been Pink-jobbin’ it - hard.
Food is so very social and such a strong part of any
culture. I’ve become aware of this with my mostly plant-based lifestyle, and people
have said the same with their own food restrictions. Megan and I usually go to
our default Asian salad wraps when we get together as we don’t have to worry
about meatless preference or her lactose defects. There is something else I
would like to get out of the way and lay it all on the table: since The Hunter
and I have combined pots and pans, I’ve decided that although I am still
focusing on a plant based lifestyle, I’ll eat what he catches and kills himself
(you ever had home grown/butchered bacon. Holy fuck). On family and friends
tables, I will happily eat the animals that have had a happy life, otherwise,
without complaint, I will happily pick out the meat parts and feed to someone
else (the Hunter or the person across the table from me), be it bacon in the perogies or sausage in soup, I’m pretty laid back on the cross-contamination debacle.
- Mennonite perogies with Janine
- Samosas and Masala with Roshni
- Sushi with the Kubos
- Make/decorate a Sugarbud Creations cake
- Pizza on a BBQ with Mike’s Auntie Fern
- Becca’s Bunny Stew
- Granny Evdokimoff’s Borsch
- Fernando’s Empanadas

The Hunter’s brought up butchering on several occasions, and
this ritual-like process sounds just as important as the hunt itself. A group
of us come together to cut up and package the meat as efficiently as possible; The
quote ‘It takes a village’ is incredibly fitting, as no one person has the
stamina, time or freezer space to butcher that much animal. The Hunters’ BFF throws
down a slab meat on the cutting board in front of me: It’s the tenderloin - the
nicest cut of meat and he’s about to talk me through how to butcher it. I’m
eager to please and the fireball I sip directly from the two-six burns away my
nerves. My knife cuts swiftly and smoothly into the flesh. I exhale.
a Chef
Meh... he'll still do me. - Me, serving myself seconds
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