

Sunday, February 14, 2016

To all the boys who ever loved me.

So, I’d found that song that song, that music that I would way to and those lyrics that you would have hummed to, when we dance together at our wedding. But then I realized that I don’t think I’ll ever want to get married, so I listen to it and I sing vigorously and dance eagerly, while driving into town. I really like do that.

 A boy once sent me a quote about being unapologetically yourself. He thought this quote captured me well, and I quite agreed. I’ve overstepped my boundaries and ran my mouth off more times than I can count. On some of these occasions I’d learned a lesson, but on most I had simply acquired a red hue to my cheeks and gracelessly trudged forward.

I’ve been asking random (usually when the urge hits after two or more glasses of wine) some people their thoughts on Soulmates. I’ve asked if they believe in them, if they can have more than one, and if they’ll ultimately end up with their Soulmate. I’ve just stated asking how they know when they meet their Soulmate. The answers are always interesting and responses a little different. One said that a Soulmate means there is a person for everyone, and another said you may not always end up with your Soulmate because not everyone can handle being engulfed in such fierce and powerful feelings.
I believe in Soulmates but I’m not sure  you will end up with your Soulmate, or meet them at all. Through various Readings, I’ve been told that I won’t meet my Soulmate until much later in life, which is fair, I’m pretty comfortable with it just being Hugo and I at the moment.

In a relationship I believe there is a difference between a compromise and sacrifice. From an outside person looking in, I could never understand watching some people make the sacrifices they do for the sake of their relationship. My sister stayed in a relationship for years with the knowledge that she was betting, against the odds, on something that may not happen. Although her Partner truly loves her, he may never want to get married and have a child with her (the odds were in her favor, I’m thrilled to announce). After having one of our best visits, I learned allot about Soulmates from Shawna. I think a Soulmate is someone who, when you make sacrifices for, it no longer feels like a sacrifice. For me, a Soulmate is someone you love not only because of who they are, but who you are when you’re with them. I believe a Soulmate is someone you could be without, but you simply don’t want to. They don’t complete you, but you will want to move mountains for them, and they do make you very happy; with your Soulmate you want to be your best, happy self.

I guess we’ve all been seeking out a Soulmate. But, I really am unapologetically myself. To those who aren’t okay with my bold disposition, who can’t love my crazy, or doesn’t call me on my crap, if you can’t handle storm then don’t kiss me in the rain.

- K

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfections. To me, that is the essence of beauty - Dr. Steve Maraboli

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